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NASM Certified Personal Trainer Exam Prep

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Product Details

The content in this study guide references the latest NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training (6th Edition) presented in an easy to read format that helps to comprehend and retain the information. This study guide is organized in the following six performance domains:

Domain 1: Basic and Applied Sciences and Nutritional Concepts - 17%
Domain 2: Assessment - 18%
Domain 3: Program Design - 21%
Domain 4: Exercise Technique and Training Instruction - 22%
Domain 5: Client Relations and Behavioral Coaching - 12%
Domain 6: Professional Development and Responsibility - 10%

* Includes quick reference pages for Areas of Focus, Formulas & Conversions that are required for exam.
* Includes 50 practice questions to further enhance knowledge and to have an idea of what the actual test will look like.
* Includes detailed practice question answers with explanations on how the answers were obtained.
* Includes detailed descriptions of Assessments, Nervous, Muscular, & Skeletal Systems, Nutrition, Term definitions, Training Modalities & more!

Note: If you have the 5th Edition NASM manual (which is still an approved reference for the exam) you can e-mail us at for a copy of our NASM Study Guide that references the 5th Edition.
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NASM Certified Personal Trainer Exam Prep
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